Surviving through a massive shipwreck can sometimes leave someone scarred for the rest of their life, and that is assuming they actually survive long enough to be rescued by the Coast Guard or a passing fishing boat, which could be a miracle in some parts of the ocean. Many survivors end up floating in the middle of the ocean on a life raft or chunks or debris, but some do end up on deserted islands, just like in the movies. It doesn’t really matter where you end up, as you are alone and without food for a long period of time. Here are 5 impressive tips to help keep you alive.
5. Read, Read, Read
5. Read, Read, Read

Reading the instructions on almost every piece of survival and travel gear you own and regularly operate can save your life. This goes double when you are traveling by boat, especially your own boat. Read every relevant piece you can.
4. Drink Up
4. Drink Up

In order to prevent your body from wasting away into absolutely nothing and you losing your life, be sure to drink. However, don’t just drink anything you can. For example, do not drink your own urine or the sea water surrounding you, as sea water will only make you become dehydrated quicker.
3. Eye Fight
3. Eye Fight

If you really need to face off against a fish of some kind, or perhaps require some sustenance, then pressing on the eyes of a fish will paralyze them for a short period of time. If you can manage this, then you can have food for quite some time.
2. Relaxing
2. Relaxing

If you survived a shipwreck, then chances are your body has taken some type of a toll. In order to prevent any worsening of your current condition, be sure to put your feet up for at least 5 minutes out of every single hour. This will help, believe it or not.
1. Exertion
1. Exertion

If you can help it, avoid any unnecessary exertion, as it is simply putting more strain on the body than what you need to be going through. When your mind goes idle, simply sing or play cards, twenty questions, or any other travel-type game.