The animal kingdom is incredibly massive and varied, with thousands, if not more, species of animals throughout the world. However, an animal doesn’t have to be the biggest or the strongest to become one of the greatest living specimens on the planet. No, instead, the reptile has become a dominant force throughout the animal kingdom, both for their unique coloring and for how great of a pet they tend to make. While not all reptiles can be pets, most have a knack for entering our lives and becoming a force of pure brilliance. The following 5 reptiles are all the proof anyone should ever need to own a reptile of any kind.
5. Take My Hand, Boss
5. Take My Hand, Boss

Not all lizards were made to live within captivity. In fact, most probably weren’t, though they adapt incredibly well to living within a home with humans. Lizards are animals, though, and do require a natural habitat where they can explore their surroundings, interact with their own kind, and recreate scenes from famous movies with their pals while resting comfortable on twigs. It happens more often than you may think. Take, for example, the above, where one lizard is hoping to reach out and simply touch his fellow partner in crime, enabling an emotional bond to cultivate between the two before he slips.
4. To Narnia!
4. To Narnia!

Humans have horses to ride around on, and cars, both of which are far bigger modes of transportation when compared against our tiny human bodies. So, what does a lizard in need of long distance travel have? Easy, a T-Rex, of course. The mighty king of the dinosaurs is a mere child’s toy now, but this lizard decided to make him his own, riding on his back to find the mystical land of Narnia. However, even a lizard could have dreams of grandeur, and the thoughts of world domination have surely crept into the midst of his mind as he eyes his human owner down atop his mighty steed.
3. Hearts All Around
3. Hearts All Around

Animals can show love in their own way, even to a human owner. So, when you find a lizard creeping up a long bit of flora, splitting it down the center to form a perfectly created green heart, you had better reciprocate the feelings to the little guy. Should you choose not to remind him of how epic he is, you may find yourself awaking to an army of tiny lizards surrounding your bed in the midst of the night. They probably won’t bring heart-shaped plants, though, so be warned. A simple pat on the back should suffice when he shows you some love, though.
2. Ride Forth!
2. Ride Forth!

A plastic T-Rex for a mount may have been fearsome enough, but combine the need for a ride through the swamp with a living, breathing reptile, and you may have found your match. Crawling up the back of its mother, a young reptile may find himself in the position of what could be thought of as a throne to some, and to others it will be a battle horse, decked out in armor and teeth. This one’s Napoleon Complex may come off a little strong, so we suggest avoiding the water for…ever. You could be brave and try to pet him, but we suggest against it.
1. The Right One is Special
1. The Right One is Special

Finding the right person to spend your life with is a difficult task, but you know almost immediately when you’ve located that special person. Well, it appears the same applies for lizards, as that special significant other is out there, waiting on the end of a blossoming flower for the perfect mate to climb up and share nose with. Chances are this union is going to end well, but they may want to find a different place to spend their time for fear of one of them falling off the flower to the ground below. Someone should probably make spaghetti.