When you’re filthy rich and in the eye of the public, everything is recorded. Celebrities have a tough time keeping a secret hidden from the media especially if it involves a romance that leads to an unexpected surprise. You won’t believe which celebrities have a secret love child either from an affair or a simply hidden relationship that wasn’t made public. Now that these celebrities were found out, it leaves us wondering just what other celebrities have a hidden child from a past relationship.
5. Steven Tyler
5. Steven Tyler

Steven Tyler is the lead singer of the rock band Aerosmith. Typically the speculation of rock bands include the loud music, drugs, and, of course, the women. Turns out that mix led to the birth and covering of Liv Tyler when Steven and model Bebe Buell held a relationship briefly around the same time of Bebe’s relationship with another rock icon, Todd Rundgren. When Liv Tyler was born, Bebe lied to Liv making her believe that her biological father was Todd Rundgren in hopes to protect Liv from Steven’s drug use. After Steven cleaned up, it was revealed the real biological father to Liv around her ninth birthday.
4. Eddie Murphy
4. Eddie Murphy

Eddie Murphy is a well-known father that tried his best to keep his love child hidden and forgotten. The story goes that actor and comedian Eddie Murphy had a relationship fling with artist Melanie Janine Brown, better known as Mel B. However after that relationship ended, a baby was born named Angel where her father seemed to have gone missing. Turned out Angel’s father is Eddie Murphy who claimed that he wasn’t the father of any children from Mel B. After a string of tabloid stories and claims from both parents, a paternity test revealed that Eddie was, in fact, Angel’s daddy.
3. Arnold Schwarzenegger
3. Arnold Schwarzenegger

The larger than life action star turned governor turned action star once again, Arnold Schwarzenegger also had a love child that was revealed in 2011. This grand reveal came when Arnold revealed to his wife, Maria Shriver, that he had a child with a maid years ago after Maria confronted him on the matter. With the newly found information, Maria filed for divorce and Arnold was able to hold a relationship with his son without hiding from the public eye.
2. Simon Cowell
2. Simon Cowell

Simon Cowell is a well-known personality though he seemed to have gotten too comfortable after he got in bed with a married woman causing him to have a son. After Andrew Silverman found out that his wife was having an affair, Andrew and his wife Lauren got divorced in 2013 where it was also shortly revealed that Lauren was pregnant with Simon Cowell’s first son, Eric.
1. Ray Charles
1. Ray Charles

Ray Charles must have some kind of a record with his love children as he seemed to be pretty unfaithful to his marriages. This musician has twelve children that spanned across nine different mothers though there’s no telling if more will come out. Luckily, Ray seemed to have treated the children nicely after his death as he made sure that each child received $500,000. That’s not a bad chunk money but it’s still pretty insane just how many kids Ray Charles fathered over the years.