We’ve all seen the movies that feature scary toys that have been possessed by some kind of demon, killer or ghost. The spookiest thing about these films is that most of them are based, at least a little, on real stories of actual toys that have haunted their owners. If that makes it just a little harder to sleep at night, keep in mind there are quite a few of these things out there and only some of them have actually been collected by the right people and put where they can’t effect anyone anymore. If you believe these things are actually possessed by ghosts or demons, then there are plenty of items that haven’t even been pinpointed. Check out the spookiest of the spooky.
6. Joliet

Joliet has been in the same family for generations and the doll has supposedly carried out her curse on every generation of woman in the family. The women have all had two children, one boy and one girl. On the third day of life for each boy, they suddenly pass away. Members of the family have said they have heard all sorts of wails and crying coming from the doll. They believe that it is hosting the spirits of the departed boys.
5. Mandy
5. Mandy

A porcelain doll named Mandy is said to be one of the most haunted dolls in the entire world. The doll was made back in 1910 and now sits in a Museum in British Columbia after being donated by her former owner. The owner said she could hear crying from the doll at night and after giving Mandy to the museum, the crying stopped in the former owner’s home. The weird things followed Mandy to the museum, including footsteps being heard through the hallways when no one is around.
4. Amanda
4. Amanda

The origins of Amanda are not known, but her legend first started after she was sold on eBay several years ago. Since that sale, she has been traded and sold more than 10 times, never staying in the same place for very long. Her current owner has said that she can be heard scratching the inside of her glass case, trying to escape. Previous owners of the doll have said that she brought bad luck, and others have said that she moves from place to place on her own.
3. Peggy
3. Peggy

Jayne Harris is a paranormal investigator who has taken photos and videos of a haunted doll by the name of Peggy. Peggy is a doll that reportedly has an effect on people who have never even been around her. When photos and videos of the doll were posted on the Internet, 80 people reported suffering from headaches, feeling anxious, and even seeing images of mental institutions. One woman even reported suffering from a heart attack after viewing online videos of the doll. How are you feeling right now?
2. Caroline
2. Caroline

Caroline is a haunted porcelain doll that most people claim at least isn’t actually evil. Found in a Massachusetts antiques shop, the doll is said to be haunted by three ghosts that actually fight over who will control it. People also say when you hold the doll up to your ear, it will whisper to you.
1. Elmo
1. Elmo

There may not be a creepy doll that is haunted rather than one that is supposed to be your friend. The Elmo doll is also one of the most famous stories. One particular family brought home one Elmo doll that started saying “kill” before it said a person’s name. To this day, no one is sure what is in this doll, and the family got rid of it, so no one knows what happened to it.