Science and technology have come a long, long way from the period when our parents and grandparents grew up. Back then, a black-and-white television was a huge deal. Today, having a television that can connect to the internet wirelessly and read our minds is all the rage. Scientists and developers have come together to create products and inventions straight out of science fiction stories and movies. We truly live in an impressive time, too bad most of these things require some hard-earned cash in order to purchase. Here are 5 modern technologies that appear right out of a science fiction tale.
5. Voice Control
5. Voice Control

One of the most fascinating leaps forward in technology comes in the form of voice control for our gadgets. We can now sit down and actually speak to our mobile devices and have a conversation. That is rather impressive.
4. Artificial Wombs
4. Artificial Wombs

Scientists have somehow managed to find a way to create an artificial womb within the real world, much like what we’ve seen in the film franchise The Matrix. Researchers in Tokyo have been working on using it for goat fetuses recently.
3. Invisibility Cloak
3. Invisibility Cloak

HyperStealth Biotechnology recently showed off a working prototype of their new fabric for the military, known as Quantum Stealth, which will bend light waves and run off batteries, making the wearer appear invisible to others.
2. Piercing Vision
2. Piercing Vision

Much like Superman’s iconic ability to view through walls, engineers have developed Wi-Vi, a prototype that can allow the user to witness what is happening on the other side of a wall and see movement while gathering data.
1. Synthetic Body Parts
1. Synthetic Body Parts

The very first synthetic leg recently went for a walk. The robotic leg will connect to an owner with two nerves and computer sensors, allowing it to function in the same manner as a human leg. The mind will control it completely.