Some fears are quite common, like arachnophobia, which is terrifying, but some are just plain silly. It’s really odd to think someone could be afraid of bubbles or butterflies, but there are people who exist within this world that have some truly unreasonable fears. It’s unclear what these people do when faced with their fear, but it most likely ends with them having a slight panic attack and running away. In any case, here are five strange fears people actually do suffer from.
5. Dental Phobia

This one is actually quite common. Dental phobia is, pure and simple, the fear of going to the dentist. No one enjoys having their teeth picked at or scrubbed by someone else, though it is a necessity.
4. Lepidopterophobia
4. Lepidopterophobia

Arachnophobia, as previously mentioned, is quite common. Spiders are scary, and it makes sense. But Lepidopterophobia is the fear of butterflies, which begs a few questions towards anyone suffering from this particular fear.
3. Physical Deformity
3. Physical Deformity

If you’re in a high contact sport, such as boxing, football, or doing some work as a contortionist, then this is a completely reasonable fear to have. However, being terrified of a physical deformity is pretty unreasonable.
2. Fear of Bumpy Bodies
2. Fear of Bumpy Bodies

This could easily come from a specific form of hypochondria, but some people are terrified that they will find a bump somewhere on their body. A bump could mean a lot of things, such as a lot of extra stress in your life, or perhaps cancer.
1. Toilet Rat
1. Toilet Rat

There is no official name for having this specific fear, perhaps just afraid of rats biting your butt would work. The fear is quite common, though, as people really don’t want to find a sewer rat crawling up their toilet bowl.