The animal kingdom is massive and ever changing, and with something that big comes plenty of myths, stories, and tall-tales that people begin to believe. Everything from a bat to a cat has some sort of a story behind some feat they do. Unfortunately, a lot of what we know isn’t actually true. Here are ten myths that are popular throughout the world, but aren’t actually true. Wrap your head around these, but don’t stick to your guns just yet.
10. Praying Mantis
Most people think the praying mantis will eat the male following procreation. However, that doesn’t actually happen often. It’s in rare circumstances that the female will eat the male.
9. Turkey
People believe that a turkey is fascinated by rain, so they will stare at the sky and drown as water falls down their throats. It sounds quite odd, and it truly is. This myth is completely false.
8. Dogs
Everyone has been told at some point in their lives that a dog can only see in black and white. Actually, a dog can see in plenty more than that. This popular pet has a range from dark blue to light blue to different shades of yellow.
7. Goldfish
A goldfish is said to only remember something for around 3 seconds before they forget it completely. However, Mythbusters found that myth is completely false.
6. Camels
A camel has numerous humps across their back, which most people think simply holds stores of water. In all actuality, the humps are simply storing fat. A camel doesn’t need to eat for 3 weeks by living off of the fat.
5. Bees
A bee is said to die after stinging someone because they lose their stinger and simply pass away. However, there are 20,000 different types of bees out there. One species will die, but the rest won’t.
4. Crocodiles
Crocodiles appear pretty fast in the water, and some people think they are just slow on land. It’s probably best to know that crocodiles are fast while they’re on the land, too. Some are faster than people, in fact.
3. Cats
Children have always been told that a cat will land on its feet if they have been dropped or fall. However, a cat can, and will, land somewhere else on their bodies if they fall in the wrong angle.
2. Owls
Owls are thought to be quite wise, but that is a lie, in fact. Owls are actually one of the dumbest birds around. Crows, however, are said to be quite a bit smarter than an owl.
1. Dog Tricks
“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” has been a saying for longer than anyone can probably remember. However, a dog trainer isn’t just a joke job. Instead, they actually do teach your favorite canine new tricks.