Anyone who has ever spent any time around cats know that not only do they have their moments of utter cuteness, they also sometimes have their moments of fright. These scaredy cats are more likely to cause you to be scared in the dark of night. Some of them may make you giggle a little as well. Cats definitely have multiple personalities, and you’ll see some from their darker side here. From kittens to adults, you never know if you have an evil cat until it’s too late!
10. The Spy Cat

This cat not only has some demonic yellow eyes, but he is pretty good at the creepy stalker look.
9. The Demonic Cat
9. The Demonic Cat

If your cat look at you like this in the middle of the night, you just might think he’s possessed.
8. The Malicious Cat
8. The Malicious Cat

This cat has something up his sleeve and it can’t possibly be good. If it weren’t bad enough that it’s a black cat, now it’s making devious plans!
7. The Possessed Cat
7. The Possessed Cat

Not only is this cat ready to feed on you, his eyes appear to be completely white. That means that the demons have already taken over.
6. The Devious Cat
6. The Devious Cat

He doesn’t need to bare his fangs — he knows you’re frightened simply by his evil, methodical stare.
5. Evil In Training
5. Evil In Training

This is one of the funniest looking evil cats ever. He’s so cute it’s hard to be afraid, but that means it’s even more important to beware.
4. The Werecat
4. The Werecat

He’s a cat, he’s a werewolf… No, he’s a werecat. The most vicious cat of all, this monster will rip your head off!
3. The Viper Cat
3. The Viper Cat

Like a snake, this cat is ready to strike. Before you know it, you’ll have puncture wounds on your arm.
2. The Devious Kitten
2. The Devious Kitten

Adult cats aren’t the only ones that are good at making evil plans. This little one is surely going to grow up to be an evil genius.
1. The Prickly Cat
1. The Prickly Cat

This cat is so tough and evil that he feeds on cacti just to stay sharp and on point.