By margareth, Green Lemon
Doing things the normal way is just too boring nowadays and everyone is bored to death during this lockdown period. So what else can people do but make even the most mundane tasks exciting and challenging? From pool parties with BBQs to repurposing drawers into your personal chicken deep-fryers, here are 22 of the most ridiculous ways people decided to do things.
Found this fork in my brothers house and asked him why he had done it… then he ran upstairs to grab his iPad.

Well, this guy tried cooking an egg of the hood of his car and it worked. Ugly, but worked.

Home-made fast-food drawer.

Environmentalists Navy on their next rescue mission.

Can also be used to bang the door.

The puppies lived and that’s all that matters.

This is why we have the 2nd amendment. So people can do this.

Assuming the new Gen Z kids don’t know how to change the tire, here’s an easier tape-method.

Meanwhile, the lumberjacks in northern Orgeon.

Why men have shorter lifespan, but it did work.

On the other hand, some people wish to heat their pool up.

When your licenses is suspended, but you gotta go for another bulk buying.

What have we been doing with our life?

How this man built his landscaping empire with his ingenious set up.

If your dips have expired, they can be used as fresheners.

And they got their message across!

How to survive college 101:

While the Daytona 500 was on and they had to MacGyver the broken plug.

They say you should always be prepared for a grocery run.

It looks stupid, frankly. But it was attention-grabbing at the saloon.

And this lawnmower used a satellite shovel and balance it with barbell weights behind him.

One day from deadline when the new fan was not yet delivered.

But the Mexicans have got the best of them.