By Sarah Hunt, Bored Panda
You’ve seen Ratatouille, but now meet Chef Fibbs. The successor to Marty Mouse, he wants to help you make cookies for your friends! Follow along with him and make your friends happy with yummy cookies to eat. You can see more of him and his brothers at martymousehouse.com or follow the story on Facebook (MartyMouseHouse)
More info: martymousehouse.com
More info: martymousehouse.com
First you hab to gather all your ingrediemts.

Got eberyfing?

Then get a bowl.

Start adding the fings off the list.

Wanna hear an egg joke? What do you call a city of 20 million eggs?

New Yolk City!

Sometimes you’ll need to stop and hab a snack to keep up your stength.

Make sure you measure properly.

Now we are sifting!

It can be heaby lifting, so it’s ok to ask for help.

It’s going good so far!

Check your batter, and put it in the fridge ober night. (or at least for a few hours)

Oooooh…it’s ready!

Roll it into balls and gib it a coat ob power sugar!


Put them on a cookie sheet and into the oben. You might need help lifting it in there.

Set the timer for 10-12 minutes.

Listen to make sure it’s ticking.

DING!! They are done!

See. Pretty. Ooops, I got some power sugar on my nose.

Eberyone will be impressed.

There you go – cookie perfectshun!

This is Wimbley, and these were his faborite cookies!