[post_ads]One of the best things about going to school when I was younger, was having a great teacher. They seemed to be few and far between in my era, but now schools are filled with young engaged teachers who are excited to see students blossom in their learning. This post is dedicated you teachers who make a difference in kids lives and for how you spend more time on the kids who need it. Cheers to you!
Tips are welcome

Remember open house at school? Used to hate it when I was a kid because it meant my parents would have to come down and see all the work I wasn’t getting finished. Now that I have kids, I feel the same way except they actually do their work.
Day Dreaming? It’s gonna cost you

I think art and math are on opposite sides of the creative draw. I think everyone is either good at one or the other but rarely ever at both. This kid nailed it with the heffalump though.
Spelling really is important
Spelling really is important

Spelling is one of those things that is so hard when you’re a little kid. Maybe because English is such a jacked up language compared to all others on earth.
Nerd teachers are the best!

I had a teacher once named Mr. Dancher. He was a a young jewish guy from New York and he made learning so fun because of his quirky attitude. Only B I got my whole 11th grade year was from him. Other than that it was C’s and D’s.
Genius teacher!

Stupid cel-phones ruining everything. So stoked to see this intrepid teacher come up with a way to get his kids off their phones and engaged in the glass. Well done. Those kids must have had some serious FOMO.
Cool teacher for the win!

Everyone loves a great t-shirt. This nerd teacher nailed it. I don’t even know what it means but I like a teacher that engages his class.
Lesson learned kid

I was a habitual cheater n High School. I never took a book home and copied homework every day from the nice kids in class. It all caught up to me and I was jobless and in prison for two years. Kids, go to school!
Thats a lot work

Sometimes teachers love building up a test just so they can have a laugh at the student’s expense. This guy had his kids thinking they were getting a last minute test before a long weekend. Surprise! JK, LOL.
Teddy Bear down

It seems this kid was hoping the teacher would have a soft spot for his humor and for Teddy Bears who are being held hostage. The kid thought wrong…Teddy Bear down.
That’s the truth

Somehow we all think we’re all so slick when we try to be sneaky while we drive and text or do anything and text. Kids have learned from us and that’s why teachers have to make signs like this. Tell your kids to plug into reality.
Buttered up the teacher. Well played kid
Buttered up the teacher. Well played kid

I used to always write funny notes on my papers hoping it would make a difference. It didn’t work too well for me but other kids scored. His teacher was way cooler than mine. I had a Colombian lady once who could barely speak english, must less teach it.
Subtle yet effective

Sometimes I read my kids projects and I feel like this teacher here. I mean how can it be so hard to explain a point! It really does make me feel like my head might explode like in that old movie Scanners.