This Philadelphia mother, and owner of Country Cookin splurged a whopping $25,000 on exotic cars, three tons of sand, and even a camel for her teenage son’s Dubai-themed prom extravaganza. Saudia Shuler, 43, said she wanted to take her only son Johnny Eden Jr. to Dubai, but instead brought a taste of the middle eastern country to their Philadelphia neighborhood so that everyone could enjoy it.

By Nicola Rossi, President Mommy
Eden Jr. wore three outfits and took along three different dates, all in various custom-made gowns, to his prom in Philadelphia on Friday. He also had a Lamborghini, Rolls Royce, and a Range Rover for the formal dance at Simon Gratz Mastery Charter. Shuler hauled in the three tons of sand and rented a camel from an Ohio farm for the event, which she paid for 18 months ago.
[post_ads]She also had a custom mural created three different
Dubai-inspired sets that took over their entire block. Shuler worked for
a week well into the night to create the lavish scene, with the help of
friends and family.

When asked about the lavish soiree Eden Jr. said, “At first I was like,
it was too much, I don’t really like a lot of attention, but it’s worth
it. It was epic, man. I had my family out here. That’s all I really
cared about is my family being out here. My mom did her thing, she was
the real MVP.”

Shuler justified the $25,000 price tag with the fact that her son
graduated with a 3.8-grade point average and was a standout out on his
school’s basketball team. She also says she suffered a stroke and fought
cancer within the past few years.
”I was on my death bed a few years
ago. My son took it real hard. He believed in Allah so bad. He is
Muslim, I am not. So that is what kept him strong.” Shuler continued, “I
said, if I ever live to make it I’m going to put on a big prom and a
big graduation for my son and I just prayed, and I hoped I got to see my
son go to graduation and go to prom, because I didn’t believe I was
going to make it.”
If this was the prom, then we’re very excited to see what the graduation party is going to look like.