Do you list your address as IKEA on official documents? Does your diet consist mostly of Swedish meatballs and lingonberry sauce? Do you literally bless yourself before entering those holy blue and yellow gates?
You might've just gotten a little overexcited, so take a few moments to collect yourself, and let's be real about this. IKEA is a wonderful place, and no matter how many times we pay a visit, there always seems to be an endless array of new treasures to discover. Remember that time you went into IKEA because you just needed 'a few throw pillows'? Remember how you left with everything but throw pillows? REMEMBER THAT?
At the end of the day, one does not simply 'like' IKEA - you either live and breathe it, or you don't speak of it. The Internet users below would back us up 100%. Celebrate your obsession and add your most glorious IKEA moment to our list.
By Greta J, Bored Panda
