Whether it’s a drama or a romantic comedy, we all love a good kissing scene. When done properly, such a scene can melt people’s hearts and send shivers down everyone’s spines. [post_ads]Yet when done wrong, it can become the most cringe-worthy moment that will ruin the whole movie. The times of old Hollywood movies with long dramatic kisses are long gone now. We’ve entered the era of daring intimate kisses that more often than not make us turn away from the screen. What is it that they’re doing wrong? Take a look at 10 most awkward kissing scenes we’ve ever seen.
The upside-down kiss (Spider-Man)
Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst were a truly sweet couple on screen, yet the upside-down smooch fell right into the awkward kissing category. Why did so many people cringe when they watched this seemingly romantic moment? Well, there’s just something really wrong with the way people’s lips look together, when one of the kissers is hanging upside down. It just doesn’t work!

A moment of necrophilia (The Shining)
This scene in the Stephen King movie is one of the most revolting we’ve seen so far. It starts seemingly innocent with Jack the concierge making a routine check of one of the rooms, where he suddenly finds a naked beauty. [post_ads_2]They start making out passionately, but then he looks into the mirror and sees himself kissing a corpse. Yikes!

Marty McFly and his mom (Back to the Future)
Marty McFly went to year 1955 and accidentally made his mother, Lorraine, fall for him. The two ended up together in a car and she even planted a smooch on him! Luckily for the viewers, things didn’t escalate beyond that, and Lorraine herself felt that something was off. But it really was a disturbing moment for such a lovely movie.

Human and ape kiss (Planet of the Apes)
We get it, that was a truly romantic moment on so many levels, but even Tim Burton couldn’t make it look nice. His remake of the 1968 classic made us feel awkward for what was going on screen. Modern viewers are really open-minded, but that was a bit too much. Even knowing that beneath all that makeup is the gorgeous Helena Bonham Carter didn’t help a lot.

The simply-not-hot kiss (The Tourist)
Okay, we admit that the movie itself was just really bad. Despite the amazing cast of good-looking actors, the movie is a drag that is hard to watch. Frank and Elise (played by Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie) just didn’t have the necessary chemistry to pull off this movie. [post_ads_2]There wasn’t a single ounce of passion between them! Being gorgeous people and talented actors, they couldn’t even fake it.

Kissing a duck (Howard the Duck)
How awkward can kissing a duck be? The answer is – VERY. Most people don’t even know such a movie exists and for a good reason. This Marvel comic book character is a duck and there’s nothing that can go right with such a hero. Poor Lea Thompson had to kiss an animated duck! It is the same actress that played Lorraine in Back to the Future where she kissed her own son. The girl was really out of luck.

The Jim-Carrey-Ate-My-Face kiss (Dumb and Dumber)
We all love Jim Carrey and his newly found spirituality, but back in the day when he was more into hilarious roles and crazy parodies, he wasn’t quite the man we would imagine ourselves kissing with. The Dumb and Dumber movie features an incredibly awkward kissing scene. Jim Carrey’s character and his beloved girl Mary get together in a super open-mouthed kiss that just made everyone turn away. The weird noises he made during the kiss didn’t help at all!

The spiritual kiss (Ghost)
Ghost is one of the best romcoms of all times, that’s a fact. The whole storyline might be a bit cheesy, but it is still a sweet movie that we all adore. Yet the final kissing scene was somewhat spoiled by the unnatural glow of Patrick Swayze’s body and face. Yes, he was a ghost, but there was no need to turn him into a mix of Edward Cullen and Mr. Clean.

Bella and Jacob (The Twilight Saga: Eclipse)
The supposedly super-hot kiss between the main female character and a good-looking wolf ended up looking absolutely anti-climactic. Kristen Stewart scowls and doesn’t look interested in the whole process at all.[post_ads_2] Although that was pretty much her face during the whole movie, she should have made at least some effort looking pleased or delighted with the kiss. After all, she did like him in the books!

10The siblings kiss (Star Wars)
Yes, this one took a few decades to process, but it is definitely in the ‘weird kiss’ category. Maybe the whole kiss happened just to make Han Solo mad? Judging by the look on his face, it worked! Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker’s kiss was quite gross when you come to think of it. Siblings shouldn’t do things like that!

Courtesy: Her Beauty