Meet Paolo Banger Solarte, a 30-year-old producer in New York City who made the inspired choice to dress up as both Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze in “Ghost” for Halloween last year.
“I always like to bring a touch of nostalgia and comedy to my costumes,” he told The Huffington [post_ads]Post. “With this one in particular, someone had just randomly sent me the Whoopi Goldberg ‘Molly, you in danger, girl’ gif one day and I laughed. A light switched on in my head and I was, like, ‘Ah HA! Wouldn’t it be funny if I was Demi and Swayze?”

“Once I get an idea, I stick to it. No matter how hard it is,” Solarte told HuffPost.
[post_ads]He’s not kidding. The year before the “Ghost” pottery wheel scene look, he dressed up as pregnant Kim Kardashian at the Met Gala, with a Kanye West cardboard cutout to complete the look.

“Nothing tops when I was Pregnant Kimye,” he said. “I couldn’t even walk down the block or take [post_ads]the subway without hoards of people taking my picture and stopping me. I felt like the real deal.”

Another year, Solarte dressed up as Regina George with her burn book from “Mean Girls.”
[post_ads]And then there was the year he dressed up as T-Boz from TLC, no need for the other two members.
Basically, when it comes to costumes, solo is just how Solarte rolls.

“To be honest, I’m not a big fan of couples costumes. It’s almost like when people dress up as puns [post_ads]for Halloween. Side eye,” he joked. “I love a solo dolo stunt, as you can tell!”
So what does the costume mastermind have up his sleeve for this upcoming Halloween?

“I’m not entirely sure yet... maybe Lil’ Kim? Maybe Bobby from ‘Bobby’s World?” he told us. “Who knows? Inspiration comes from the weirdest places and I work best under pressure!”
We expect nothing short of greatness.
By Brittany Wong | Huffington Post