These felted little houses and funny animals are created in the workshop of Russian craftswoman Diana Latysheva. [post_ads]It has been about five years since she took the path of dry felting. She says that work with wool reminds her of plasticine that she used to utilize as a child — the both materials provide infinite possibilities for creating.
The little countryside houses amaze with the abundance of realistic details and are created in a way to correspond to the four seasons. All of them exist in unique copies. But the special mention should be made of Diana’s toys: singing cats, lovely sad owls and crazy dogs will make you believe in love at the first sight.
Diana says, ‘I like creating toys that make people smile and feel better. I try to catch the spirit and express true emotions’. And these collectibles are certainly no slouch when it comes to good vibes.
More info: livemaster.com

By Alevtina Levkina | Bored Panda