We've all run into someone and mistaken them for another person. Or maybe you've been staring at someone and realized they resemble an animal. [post_ads]I had a math teacher who looked like an old turtle. It didn't help that he wore a lot of green and brown clothes, but that's besides the point. Just because someone resembles something else doesn't mean it necessarily has to be a bad thing. One of my friends sometimes looks like Nicholas Cage. But he can also pull off Justin Trudeau. Show me where any of that is a bad thing.
But the only thing better than a person looking like something or someone else is a baby looking like someone or something else. Because babies are naturally one of the funniest things out there, here are 12 of them who don't really look like babies, but we love them anyway.
Little Old Man
My, Don Rickles, you look don't look a day over 75. What moisturizer do you use?

Make A Wish
I wonder what kind of dandelion this is, but it's very cute.

As handsome as Brad Pitt already? Guard your hearts, ladies.

Cabbage Patch Kids come in pairs now!
The resemblance here is so strong, you might mistake her for a doll herself!

There was a sale on fruit!
Maybe this is a hint at this little guy's nickname?

Who is who?
That baby can't be Wallace Shawn! Inconceivable!

Humpty Dumpty had a son.
The bowtie definitely sells it!

Marshmallow Boy
This little guy looks so much like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, and now I want to watch some Ghostbusters.

Such expression.
The world is her oyster with eyebrows like Nathan Lane.

This neighborhood's got a new menace.
Taking over the role of Dennis the Menace can't be easy, but this kid looks up to the task.

Uncanny resemblance.
They look so alike right from their button nose to their moobs.

Pob look-alike.
"Coming to terms with the fact that my baby looks like Pob." Us too...at least he doesn't have the pink construction paper hair.