There’s more than meets the eye about Greg Payce’s vases, because the true beauty of his work lies not in the ceramic itself but in the empty spaces in-between them.
[post_ads]Look closely to see what we mean. The artist has created a subtle illusion that uses the outer surfaces of his vases to draw secret faces and figures. His sculptures comprise a project that the Canadian ceramicist calls Alumina, and the idea draws inspiration from what’s known as Rubin’s Vase. In 1915 the Danish Psychologist Edgar Rubin created a series of two-dimensional drawings that played on the idea of hidden faces, and now Payce has reimagined that idea by bringing it to life in a three-dimensional form. It’s a truly positive use of negative space.
(h/t: mymodernmet)

By James Gould-Bourn | Bored Panda