Everyone has a hobby or two to keep them sane after a long day spent working at the office or in a mill. Whether that hobby is safe or not, however, remains to be seen. Mothers around the world actually hate these ten hobbies, all of which are considered on the dangerous spectrum of what you can do in your free time. They may be a lot of fun, but are you really willing to risk life and limb simply to enjoy yourself for an hour or two once per month? A lot of people will answer yes to that, as they couldn’t imagine not enjoying their hobby to the fullest. Here are ten of the deadliest hobbies in the world.
Hang Gliding
Hang Gliding

Hang Gliding may not be the most popular hobby right now, but people still do it every year. The risk of death during the activity is around 1 in every 116,000 flights. On average, there is usually between 7-10 deaths per year.
Big Wave Surfing
Big Wave Surfing

Big Wave Surfing involves shredding monster waves with nothing but a board. These waves can be quite destructive, at over 20-50 feet in height. Deaths are around 10 per year.
Sky Diving
Sky Diving

Sky Diving may sound fun and fueled by nothing but adrenaline, but the risks are very real and dangerous. Parachute malfunctions, mid-air collisions, and loss of consciousness lead to around 21 deaths per year on average.
Mountain Climbing
Mountain Climbing

Mountain Climbing is all about getting as high as possible. The precarious nature of climbing up the side of a mountain can often lead to death, though. Around 25 deaths occur every single year.
Base Jumping
Base Jumping

Base Jumping is both shocking and dangerous. It is hard to imagine someone who is willing to jump off a cliff or a building with nothing but a parachute to get them safely to the ground. A lot can go wrong. There is usually one death in every 2,137 jumps.
Scuba Diving
Scuba Diving

The world is covered in ocean more than anything else, and a lot of people spend their free time exploring these depths by scuba diving. There are around 150 deaths every single year from scuba diving in the US alone.
Civilian Piloting
Civilian Piloting

Civilian Piloting has become more popular over the past few decades, as more individuals are receiving their pilot licenses and personal planes. Due to pilot error, equipment malfunctions, or bad weather, around 400 deaths occur each year.

Anyone who can afford to own a boat usually loves spending time on it. Boating may seem like a safe activity, but it is actually pretty deadly. Recreational boating causes the deaths of around 736 Americans per year.
Street Luge
Street Luge

Street Luge is basically a hobby combined with a death wish. The individual finds a steep hill, climbs to the top, then rides down at high speeds. Luges don’t have brakes, which means accidents happen often. Bones are crushed or scraped on asphalt, and falling off a cliff is a very real concern. There are around 1 death per every 1000 instances of luge.

Owning a motorcycle has always been synonymous with freedom. You are not confined by the metal of a vehicle. Unfortunately, this means there is less protecting you during a collision. Around 4,462 die each year from riding motorcycles.