Everyone has a bad day occasionally. You’ll know them as those unfortunate times when nothing you do seems to go right and you wish you had just stopped in the safety of your bed all day. However, no matter how wretched your day has been or how much bad luck you seem to have you should definitely take comfort in the fact that there are people out there who have been far more unlucky than you could ever imagine, like the ones appearing on this list. These are people who misfortune has made fools of and wreaked havoc on in often hilarious ways. So sit back and read on, knowing that these are one of a kind events that you’ll hopefully never get to experience.
5. Falling With Style
5. Falling With Style

Instead of simply falling into the water, which would have presumably been a rather gentle affair, this competitor has managed to ensure that he smashed into the side of the yacht.
4. Reality Sucks
4. Reality Sucks

They almost pulled of the iconic Titanic look but that seagull had other ideas.
3. In A Tight Spot
3. In A Tight Spot

This polar bear has probably had better days going about his business. He’s certainly going to struggle to catch any seals from there.
2. Well This Is Awkward
2. Well This Is Awkward

That cow probably thought her day couldn’t get any worse after she got her head trapped, that is until the other cow turned up. We have a feeling he isn’t trying to help her either.
1. Ouch!
1. Ouch!

This type of injury probably comes with the job but it doesn’t make it any easier to see. Though the bull is likely just getting some payback for the way it has been treated.