You are unique — and so is everyone else on the planet. We all pride ourselves in our quirks and uniqueness; and while everyone wants to be different in our own little way, we also don’t want to stand out too much. We want to be looked at and admired, after all — not looked at and mocked. Then there are those brave souls who are truly unique and peculiar — and they embrace it. Whether they were born with it or it was a personal choice, here’s the compilation of the 5 most unique women you won’t believe actually exist in this world.
5. Barbie Dolls
5. Barbie Dolls

Most women grew up playing Barbie dolls as a child. We enjoyed dressing her up and making her pretty, but as we grow older we forget about them and move on. Other women don’t. They continue to idolize the tiny, plastic dolls and strive to look like her as much as possible.
One such woman is Valeria Lukyanova, who looks so much like Barbie Doll. She has huge eyes and face and body contours that resemble Barbie’s. She claims it’s all natural.
4. 32Z Boob Job
One such woman is Valeria Lukyanova, who looks so much like Barbie Doll. She has huge eyes and face and body contours that resemble Barbie’s. She claims it’s all natural.
4. 32Z Boob Job

Women are obsessed with boobs, especially if you have the lack of it. Thanks to modern surgery and technology, getting a bigger boob size is attainable.
One German model named Mayra Hills took it one step further. She had 10L of saline solution pumped to her breasts and went from 32A to 32Z. They weigh 40 pounds, which means you’re always carrying 5 gallon water balls around everywhere, even when she’s sleeping!
3. Hips Don’t Lie
One German model named Mayra Hills took it one step further. She had 10L of saline solution pumped to her breasts and went from 32A to 32Z. They weigh 40 pounds, which means you’re always carrying 5 gallon water balls around everywhere, even when she’s sleeping!
3. Hips Don’t Lie

Another heavyweight contender is a thirty stone woman named Mikel Ruffinelli. She only has a waist of 40 inches, but her hips don’t lie: it’s roughly 8 feet in circumference! That makes her the woman with the world’s biggest backside. Mikel is only 5 ft. 4 inches tall, and it is amazing how she’s able to walk at all.
2. Miniature Woman
2. Miniature Woman

Jyoti Amge is 22 years old and hails in Nagpur, India. She is the world’s smallest woman, at only 62.8 cm tall or 2 ft. tall! Jyoti has a condition known as achondroplasia, a form of dwarfism. Unlike most medical growth anomalies, she is perfectly proportioned. She doesn’t have problems with oversized skulls, spines, back or neck pain. She looks literally just like a regular person but miniature.
1. It’s All About the Waist
1. It’s All About the Waist

Corsets has been long around since the Victorian times, used by women in search of a smaller wist. Currently, Cathie Jung holds the record for the smallest waist in the world. They use tight corsets on a daily basis to achieve an hourglass figure. Doctors do not recommend using corsets as damages internal organs.