For decades, children have been experiencing and enjoying the joys of circus shows; the thrill and cheer of the crowd, the tight rope walking, and the exotic animals prancing about the makeshift arena. Being a circus performer is not as easy as it loosk, though, as it can be a highly dangerous job that ends with loss of life or serious injury in some cases. A successful stunt leads to cheers, an unsuccessful stunt leads to the hospital. Here are 5 of the most horrifying circus accidents we will all remember.
5. Dessi Espana
5. Dessi Espana

Dessi Espana, a Bulgarian-American who came from a long family of performers, held a Guinness World Record for her performance. Sadly, in 2004, a technical failure ended her career when she fell over 30-feet to her death.
4. Massarti the Lion-Tamer
4. Massarti the Lion-Tamer

In 1872, Massarti the Lion-Tamer, a bold, one-armed circus tamer, was attacked by a grown lion known as Tyrant. Three others joined the fray soon after, mauling the man to death.
3. Flying Wallendas
3. Flying Wallendas

The Flying Wallendas were an old, famous circus family known for balancing on tightropes 32-feet in the air without any safety nets below. Unfortunately, their lead faltered one evening, and three fell to the ground. Two died, and one was paralyzed.
2. Cleveland Circus Fire
2. Cleveland Circus Fire

Thankfully, during the Cleveland Circus Fire of 1942, not a single human being died. However, it was impossible to save every single animal as they were locked in cages. Some died in the flames, the police had to shoot twenty-six others who were too badly injured to save.
1. Hartford Circus Fire
1. Hartford Circus Fire

The Hartford Circus Fire was a massive event in history. The crowd of over seven thousand panicked, trampling each other to escape. 169 people died, and over 700 were injured.