every television show on the air these days has a seriously loyal
following. This following tends to ignore it when there are plot holes
that could lead to the show going downhill quickly if anyone ever took a
long hard look at the show. At the same time, it’s worth pointing out
that these holes exist so that people know what needs to fixed in order
to make the show as good as it can be. Sometimes we overlook the holes
because we want to like the show and forgive their problems. Other
times, it pays to talk about those problems because it means we’ll be
able to actually make the show better at some point. With that in mind
we bring you 5 embarrassing plot holes from current popular shows.
5. The Fourth Langdon Child In ‘American Horror Story’
5. The Fourth Langdon Child In ‘American Horror Story’

the first (and best) season of American Horror Story, the Langdon
family plays a prominent role. Most prominent are the children of the
Langon family, and we’re told there are four of them. We only meet
three, Tate (the highschool shooter), Adelaide (who still lives with her
mother during most of the season), and Hugo who was deformed and
chained in the basement. We never meet nor is there ever any other
mention of the fourth child.
4. Carrie’s Mental Health in Homeland
4. Carrie’s Mental Health in Homeland

is a CIA operative who also has bipolar disorder. This was found out by
her higher ups towards the end of season one and she’s actually fired
for a while. The problem is, the CIA has some pretty stringent screening
processes. It seems as if something as pronounced as her mental
disorder would have set off some pretty big alarm bells and she would
never have been hired in the first place, especially considering how
unhinged she is through most of the season.
3. Claire’s Healing in ‘Heroes’
3. Claire’s Healing in ‘Heroes’

Heroes kicks off, we are introduced to a cheerleader who has recently
realized that she cannot be permanently injured, or even die as long as
her brain is left in tact.
While it is widely accepted she came into these powers right around puberty, one story tells of Claire surviving a fire when she was a baby, thanks to those healing power.
2. Ron Is Duke Silver In Parks And Recreation
While it is widely accepted she came into these powers right around puberty, one story tells of Claire surviving a fire when she was a baby, thanks to those healing power.
2. Ron Is Duke Silver In Parks And Recreation

Swanson is the big cheese in Parks and Recreation, but he has an alter
ego as a lounge singer, Duke Silver. During one episode, April tells Ron
she knew he was Duke the first time she saw him, because her mother is a
big fan and has all his albums. The problem is, April’s mother didn’t
even make the connection. If April can recognize him from the albums,
her “big fan” mother should as well.
1. Shireen’s HairColor in ‘Game of Thrones’
1. Shireen’s HairColor in ‘Game of Thrones’

rather major plot point in Game of Thrones is that Robert Baratheon was
not actually the father of Joffrey and this was provable because
Joffrey (and the rest of his siblings) all had blonde hair while Robert
was a brunette. This little point seems to have been completely ignored
when it comes to the hair of Robert’s Brother and his daughter Shireen.
At least, there doesn’t appear to be a subplot that she was never his
daughter and yet he is a brunette and she is a blonde.