We are yet to fully understand and explore the planet we have spent all our existence on. The Earth is so vast and complex that we might spend several more centuries attempting to decipher its hidden codes. Until then, we can only inch closer to the ultimate answer, one step at a time, while appreciating the beauty that surrounds us. The topography, conditions, geography and many other factors contribute to the varied phenomenons we see in the world. Here is a list of 6 shocking phenomenons that nature is solely responsible for.
6. Underwater Forests
6. Underwater Forests

This bizarre sight can be seen near Lake Kaindy in the Kazakhstan portion of the Tian Shan mountains. This lake was created due to a massive earthquake that caused a limestone landslide in the region.
5. Rainbow Eucalyptus Trees
5. Rainbow Eucalyptus Trees

We usually associate the bark of a tree with one color, but the Eucalyptus trees in Hawaii are nearly covered in all the colors of a rainbow. This particular specie is called Eucalyptus deglupta and the multiple colors are credited to the shedding of the outer layer of the bark, revealing more colors over long periods of time.
4. Dirty Thunderstorms
4. Dirty Thunderstorms

Volcanic Lightning, also known as ‘dirty thunderstorms’, is a phenomenon that can be seen when lightning is produced in a volcanic plume. The result is a scary and intimidating thunderstorm hovering over a volcano.
3. Underground Spring
3. Underground Spring

You would think that springs can only be seen above the ground, but this underground natural spring in Mexico proves that nature is always full of surprises.
2. Wave Formations
2. Wave Formations

These beautiful wave formations can be see on the slopes of the Coyote Buttes in Arizona. The stunning phenomenon is popular among tourists and photographers from all over the world.
1. Shimmering Shores
1. Shimmering Shores

This beautiful sight is a result of the presence of marine microbes called phytoplankton in the seas near Maldives. Due to their bioluminescent nature, the shores seem to be lit by a bright glowing light at night, providing a truly wonderful sight for tourists.