Most of us are accustomed to having control of our physical selves and usually we’re taking for granted that out brain is able to control our limbs and we can move where we want, when we want. Imagine that wasn’t the case and while you do remain conscious, you are unable to actually move an inch or communicate with the world, and in some cases even breathe on your own. Sleep paralysis isn’t the only case of getting trapped in your own body. We’ve found 5 of the most terrifying ways that can happen in our list below.
5. Tick Paralysis
5. Tick Paralysis

Tick paralysis is caused by a neurotoxin released by the tick which then travels to a person’s bloodstream and induces weakness of the body in mere minutes after the bite happens. The person is soon paralyzed and can even end up dead if the don’t get an antidote. Removal of the tick causes complete stopping of all symptoms and brings you back to normal.
4. Transverse Myelitis
4. Transverse Myelitis

Transverse myelitis is what happens when there’s an inflammation of the spinal cord and eventually causes paralysis within hours. The way to recognize it is weakness, loss of bladder control and tingling. The symptoms worsen with time and can lead to complete paralysis in a matter of weeks. There’s no cure but there’s therapy that can help people partially recover.
3. High-Level Quadriplegia
3. High-Level Quadriplegia

The spinal cord is responsible for transferring messages from the brain to nerves throughout the body. If the spinal cord gets compromised because of an illness or any kind of injury, the whole body movement can be killed off. The higher up the spinal cord the problem is the more body percentage will be affected. The worst case of it is called quadriplegia where people patients are left unable to move, unable to control bodily functions, and completely unable to feel any sensation.
2. Succinylcholine Paralysis
2. Succinylcholine Paralysis

Succinylcholine is a drug used in medicine every day that causes total muscle relaxation. However, if used wrong, it can lead to paralysis but leaving the patients awake during surgery. It was also used as a torture method in several asylums throughout history.
1. Locked-In Syndrome
1. Locked-In Syndrome

Locked-in syndrome got its name because of just how scary it actually is. The nightmare disease is an illness of the brain where a person can appear to be completely comatose despite retaining their cognitive abilities. People suffering from the locked-in syndrome can’t even open their eyes or move their body but are aware of everything.