When it comes to society as a whole, there are people out there that are more than just “original.” The people on this list are people that you probably thought were some trick of light or an urban legend. Maybe you’ve seen pictures of someone, but you assumed that they were photoshopped or maybe the person in question was wearing a ton of makeup and attempting to mislead us into thinking they were quite a bit crazier looking than we originally believed. Whatever the reason, there are people you just won’t believe are actually real. Here’s our list of the 5 people you simply won’t believe exist right now. Check it out and let us know what you think.
5. Rolf Buchholz
5. Rolf Buchholz

Rolf Buchholz is known as the world’s most pierced man. Most people just pierce their ears, but this German citizen has put almost countless holes in his face and body to the point where he’s got nearly 100 pieces in and around his lips alone. Most shocking of all is that he’s got 278 in his genital area.
4. Yasmina Rossi
4. Yasmina Rossi

Yasmina Rossi has long been a successful model, working in swimwear and lingerie. While that won’t surprise many considering her looks, what should surprise you is that she is 59 years old and a grandmother.
3. Amou Haji
3. Amou Haji

Amou Haji is an Iranian man who just had his 80th birthday. This particular birthday also marked the 60th year since he last took a bath. Not surprisingly, this stat has gotten him anointed the filthiest man in the world. He seems to relish this role as he’s also known to smoke cigarettes made out of animal feces.
2. Beshine
2. Beshine

Beshine is a German porn actress who is also known by the name Mayra Hills. Thanks to a number of different surgeries, she claims to have the biggest breasts in the world, with each weighing about 36 pounds. Her bra size is now sitting at 32Z.
1. Lu Hao
1. Lu Hao

Lu Hao appears to be a happy little youngster, despite the fact that he became Internet famous thanks to the fact that at the age of four he was weighing in at 133 pounds. At the time, he was dubbed the fattest kid in the world, and cameras documented how hard it was for him to even move.