Vacations are supposed to be the time for having fun and relaxation. The only bad thing about it really is the depression that hits you when you realize you get only one vacation a year. The rest, really, is all cocktails and sun and looking at the world through rose-tinted glasses. But some vacations can also turn out to be spooky and frankly quite creepy, especially if you pick a destination that is known for its haunted places. Some destinations will even send something extra home with you as they actually come with a curse. Check out the 5 creepiest curses you might encounter on vacation.
5. Koh Hingham, Thailand
5. Koh Hingham, Thailand

The beaches of the little island of Koh Hingham are absolutely gorgeous and are littered with black and white rocks. However, the legend has it that the rocks should under no circumstances be taken back with you when leaving the island as the stones and beaches are protected by an ancient curse cast by the god Tarutao of Koh Hingham. If you take a stone back, you are doomed forever and bad luck will follow you until you die.
4. Pele’s Curse, Hawaii
4. Pele’s Curse, Hawaii

Around eight million tourists head to the beautiful island paradise of Hawaii every year. However, the island is known to be cursed as anyone who takes anything from the island will suffer from bad luck for the rest of their life. The best part is that the curse seems to actually work. The Hawaiian post office regularly receives packages containing stolen treasures as the thieves try to get rid of the bad luck by sending the stolen treasures back to the island.
3. Lokrum, Dubrovnik
3. Lokrum, Dubrovnik

Legend has it that the curse has been put on anyone who tries to buy the island of Lokrum. And apparently it works as well as the island has been sold multiple times and all the owners have suffered from very weird accidents with some of them involving bankruptcy and death.
2. The Fairy Forts And The Curse Of Tara, Ireland
2. The Fairy Forts And The Curse Of Tara, Ireland

The Fairy Forts nowadays are linked to disease, bad luck and death. The biggest proof of that is that when a new M3 motorway was built in Ireland that went through the fairy forts, it was not long before tragedies and economic downfalls started happening to the whole country.
1. The Cecil Hotel, Los Angeles
1. The Cecil Hotel, Los Angeles

The Cecil Hotel attracted a lot of attention when the body of 21-year-old Elisa Lam was found in its rooftop water tank in 2003. The body was there for two weeks when it was found and the footage of her last moments alive are very traumatic. The footage can still be found on the internet and shows some pretty obvious paranormal activity. It seems that Elisa might’ve been the latest victim of the cursed hotel after multiple cases of weird disappearances and deaths happened during the years since the hotel started running.