5. French fries are the most popular food in America, surpassing the sale of regular potatoes in 1970

We should seriously consider permanently changing their name to "Freedom Fries," not just because the name is absolutely hilarious, but because it's probably more appropriate. After all, we seriously doubt Parisians can hold a candle to New Yorkers when it comes to eating fries.
4. Taco Bell's taco salad has 52 grams of fat, which is more than 5 regular tacos put together
4. Taco Bell's taco salad has 52 grams of fat, which is more than 5 regular tacos put together

Look out, dieters! Just because something has "salad" in the title does not mean that it's necessarily better for you! Though, if you're going to Taco Bell to try and diet, you might need to rethink a couple things anyway.
3. There are 300,000 fast food restaurants in the U.S
3. There are 300,000 fast food restaurants in the U.S

For some perspective, that's about as many as all residential buildings in San Francisco County! Just think- an entire city of fast food buildings...we don't even want to imagine how terrible the odor would be!
2. The most unhealthy fast food burger is Carl's Jr.'s Double Six, with 1520 calories, 111 grams of fat, and 2760 mg of sodium
2. The most unhealthy fast food burger is Carl's Jr.'s Double Six, with 1520 calories, 111 grams of fat, and 2760 mg of sodium

This comes out to being around 3/4 of your daily recommended calories, all of your daily recommended sodium, and twice your daily recommended grams of fat! So, look up those nutrition facts before making your lunchtime decisions!
1. Advertisting Age called Ronald McDonald the number two advertising icon of the twentieth century, after the Marlboro Man
1. Advertisting Age called Ronald McDonald the number two advertising icon of the twentieth century, after the Marlboro Man

And really, it's pretty easy to see why. He's, like, the only clown that isn't consistently disturbingly creepy. He even founded his own charity! What a guy.