Ever since the invention of automobiles, the infrastructure of cities has changed accordingly to accommodate the various differences in our everyday routines. However, due to a number of reasons, including alcohol, drugs or simply lack of attention, people have managed to put a bad name on the driving experience via car crashes. While in most cases such accidents are vicious and deadly, other times they are quite weird and ridiculous to a point of being completely hilarious. The following 6 accidents are to serve as a reminder that sometimes stupidity that comes in the form of car crashes is quite funny.
6. The Licensing Office Crash
6. The Licensing Office Crash

Back in 2010, a man was going to the licensing office to get his driving license renewed, but due to his inability to drive well, he crashed into the office. He did so as his foot slipped onto the gas pedal when he was pulling into a parking spot.
5. The 2 Year-Old Driver
5. The 2 Year-Old Driver

A 2 year-old child decided to have some fun in June 2013 in Grayson, GA, by driving his father’s truck. As expected, this resulted in a car crash with the truck going right into the house, and thankfully he wasn’t hurt.
4. The Startled-By-His-Mom Teen
4. The Startled-By-His-Mom Teen

A 13-year-old boy from New Jersey stole a car in 2012 to impress his friends, but unfortunately he saw his mom, which distracted him and he crashed the car into a nearby tree.
3. The Flinstone Driver
3. The Flinstone Driver

In 2011, a 24-year old man decided to use an age-old cartoon tactic for stopping his car – just like the Flintstones did. He tried to use his feet to brake his moving car, which resulted in a four-car car crash. The most ridiculous part – the man was completely sober.
2. The Double Trouble Grandma
2. The Double Trouble Grandma

In 2012, a 66-year-old Grandma showed off her driving skills by managing to crash two times in two different days into two different businesses with two different cars. The first accident occurred as the lady crashed into the fence of Dunkin’ Donuts, while the second she crashed through the wall of an Eye Care Center; which seems rather ironic.
1. Truck Crash That Saved A Man’s Life
1. Truck Crash That Saved A Man’s Life

Usually when you hear about a truck crash, you think of plenty of carnage. However, such a crash actually saved the life of Richard M. Paylor, who started to choke on a piece of apple as the crash occurred and managed to spit it out only when his truck crashed.