Australia is the home to some truly impressive animals, including some of the world’s most dangerous creatures ever, including spiders, snakes, and rodents. However, the island nation is also the home of some seriously incredible animals that most people probably wouldn’t expect to discover. Australia is known as one of the mega-diverse countries of the world, boasting more mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians than anywhere else. Here are 6 incredible animals you would not expect to discover in Australia.
6. Feral Camel
6. Feral Camel

The Feral Camel was originally imported from Afghanistan, Arabia, and India, sometime in the 1800s. The camels were released by the thousands throughout Australia, and have now become a threat to the local plant and animal species.
5. Little Penguin
5. Little Penguin

Penguins tend to be associated with colder climates, but Australia actually has a species of smaller penguins on the island. The little penguin is just 13 inches tall, and generally weighs around 2.2 pounds. They are sometimes known as fairy penguins.
4. Numbat
4. Numbat

The Numbat appears rather similar to a cross between a chipmunk, squirrel, and an anteater, oddly enough. Numbats are only found throughout Australia, and are generally exclusively active only during the day-time.
3. Spotted Handfish
3. Spotted Handfish

The Spotted Handfish are known for using their fins to walk instead of swimming like a normal fish. They prefer to live along the rocky or sandy sea floors surrounding Australia, and tend to feast on small crustaceans and worms.
2. Flying Fox
2. Flying Fox

The Flying Fox is a terrifying animal, as it is the largest bat known to man. Their wingspan is up to 3 feet. They play a vital role in the health of the ecosystems where they are located, however, making them wanted.
1. Perentie
1. Perentie

The Perentie is the largest Australian lizard, reaching up to 8 feet in length. They are a species of monitor lizard, which can reach speeds of up to 25 miles per hour. They sometimes use only their hind legs to run.