Even though as a species we know notoriously little about our world and the animals that inhabit it – especially the deep sea – these photoshop artists endeavored to create creatures that would leave you wondering, “but what if they actually existed.” Through skill and practice, these talented people have made animals that visit us in our dreams and haunt us in our nightmares. This is a list of six amazingly beautiful photoshopped animals that you wish existed in real life.
6. Sea-Rex
6. Sea-Rex

This seahorse certainly has a bigger bite than his bark. With a mouth shaped like a T-Rex, this creature would quickly rise up the ranks of the food chain.
5. Owilla
5. Owilla

Wisdom and age are the two traits brought to this gorilla through the addition of the owl features. This would certainly be a great idea for a Disney creature to help the hero along.
4. Bucky
4. Bucky

Beyond the obvious issues of floating on water with duck fur, this little fellow would quickly melt the heart of many pet seekers.
3. Snowy Leapowl
3. Snowy Leapowl

As beautiful as it is deadly, this color coordinated hunter is a sight to behold.
2. Butterphant
2. Butterphant

This amazing photoshopped picture of an elephant really brings to life what it would have been like had they been more colorful, and the result is stunning.
1. Touchamelean
1. Touchamelean

Found in only the most exotic and alien jungle landscapes, this colorful beauty would attract the attention of many worldwide.