Making a popular television show is no easy task. Depending on the type of program, there will be various factors that contribute to its success but all the very best share similar elements, such as engaging characters, gripping drama, stunning sets and brilliant writing. Of course, with so many different shows competing for viewers, producers often have to come up with ways to attract a bigger audience and a common way of doing this is to include sex scenes and explicit nudity. It’s a sure fire way to ensure you get at least some people watching who might otherwise have done so and, in some cases, can create such a reputation that people will tune it just to see the shocking scenes.
5. Spartacus
5. Spartacus

Like many other historical dramas, Spartacus does not just tell the tale of those who lived in the past but also shows the viewer all of the sordid things that they used to do. Having the main characters appear naked was such a frequent event that many of the actors spent more time nude that they did fully clothed throughout their time on the show, with regular full frontal nudity of both men and women.
4. Secret Diary of a Call Girl
4. Secret Diary of a Call Girl

After leaving her role as companion Rose on Doctor Who, Billie Piper’s next job was about as far removed from that as was possible. She played the character Belle in Secret Diary of the Call Girl, which tells the story of a prostitute and her sexual exploits with various clients. While the nudity was not as extreme as in other shows, the sheer amount of sex scenes still made it a controversial program when it was shown.
3. Masters of Sex
3. Masters of Sex

The title of this television series kind of gives the game away that it might contain some graphic sex scenes. Masters of Sex actually tells the story of a gynecologists and his assistant who are researching human sexuality, something which obviously required a fair amount of nudity as they carried out their research.
2. The Girl’s Guide To Depravity
2. The Girl’s Guide To Depravity

While The Girl’s Guide To Depravity often shows plenty of flesh during the course of a show, it has been praised for its realistic depictions of sex scenes, which are generally much closer to real-life encounters than other TV programs. Main characters Lizzie and Samantha are often shown nude, with bare breasts and bottoms commonplace.
1. Game of Thrones
1. Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones has developed a reputation for showing unnecessary amounts of nudity and graphic sex scenes. It has even garnered controversy for showing shocking rape scenes, though much of the nakedness revolves around the main characters simply having sex, much like with the novels that they are based on. Full frontal scenes involving mainly women are common and barely an episode passes without someone being shown naked.