A fine-tuned and well executed marketing campaign can turn a small company into a huge profitable business and what better way to advertise than via the use of billboards? Striving to look official and strict in your ad may be your plan, but the truth is that some of the most eye-catching billboards are also the most hilarious and weird ones. Additionally, if you have enough money you can rent a billboard and make your own sign just to prove your point or for the fun of it. The following 5 billboard signs are not only extremely creative, but they are some of the most discussed and talked about ad campaigns simply because of how bizarre and funny they are.
5. Four Seasons A/C Repair
5. Four Seasons A/C Repair

Quite punny, this A/C repair shop managed to create a hilarious billboard.
4. Bic
4. Bic

What better way to make a creative billboard sign than using the surroundings to your advantage. Bic did just that and the result is quite funny and memorable.
3. Ellen Repair
3. Ellen Repair

Got a problem with your plumbing? Quickly call Ellen for you!
2. Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen’s Club
2. Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen’s Club

Created in response of the WorkSafe billboard, Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen’s Club managed to give an honest, but a funny response.
1. Fu King Chinese Restaurant
1. Fu King Chinese Restaurant

Although this billboard is hilarious for the name of the business it advertises, we can’t help but laugh. You can also purchase a Fu King T-Shirt at the Fu King Chinese Restaurant.