Street art is becoming less of a nuisance labelled as graffiti, and more appreciated as an actual art form — although often still illegal. Although some of the pieces in the list below are by random or unknown street artists, some are a result of companies actually using this art form as a way of free or inexpensive advertising on their own buildings. The following list is a compilation of beautiful pieces of street art from around the globe!
5. Lonac
5. Lonac

This nostalgic piece is located in Croatia, and is beautiful for all of those who remember playing with their toys as children.
4. Rustan Qbic
4. Rustan Qbic

This piece located in Turkey is fascinating to look at and extremely detailed.
3. Bezt
3. Bezt

This piece, titled Bezt, is located in the USA. It is extremely detailed and beautiful, and goes to show how talented street artists can be.
2. Borondo
2. Borondo

This piece in Italy, is fascinating as it utilizes the street lights already in place.
1. Banksy’s Work
1. Banksy’s Work

Banksy is one of the world’s most well known street artists, and took the city of Bristol from despising street art to praising it.