1 A Girl Fight Selfie

Witness a girl fighting spectacle, and suddenly feel you just won ringside tickets to a boxing match? . . Go figure.
2 After-Sex Selfies

After-sex selfies have been a trend, but it doesn't make it automatically cool. Especially if your lover doesn't know of it, and it's clandestine?
3 Shameful Funeral Selfie

Funeral selfies is something the older generations just don't "get". . . especially Granny, but a good haunting should solve that.
4 This Student & Cadaver

A high school student was disciplined for taking a selfie with a dead body while on a trip to their local university's biology department. Eww. . . Now, that's really creepy!
5 The Bathroom Check

So "a little bored" means it's a good time to check and see if all your bits are still there? Okay..
6 Public Dramas

Lost faith in humanity? Recording the suffering of others with a big smile is NOT cool bro!
7 Broadcasting News Events

Just because you're on social media, it doesn't make you a newscaster. . . Even if it kills you.
8 No Compassion

There's been a rash of these "non-compassionate" selfies circulating online. Shouldn't this dude be instead HELPING THAT MAN?
9 Urinal Selfie

If grandpa catches on, this boy won't be smiling. Be ready for trouble if you take one of these..
10 'Lovers' Selfie Project

This guy takes selfies next to the couples making out in public and puts them on Instagram. What do you think? Creep??
Source : Likes