The technology market seems to be going a bit over-board lately. For every great invention, there seems to be a thousand different re-inventions, along with a bunch of ancillary products to play off the original idea. Calling someone on the move used to fascinate people no less than two decades ago. Now the age of calling is gone, and it is all about texting using different applications. Here are 8 crazy gadgets that have been specifically designed to help you text with greater ease, as if texting wasn’t easy enough.
8. SuperTooth HD

This is the most advanced version of a Bluetooth device on the market. It is supposed to have three times the power of regular devices and it allows you to carry out a large number of functions using state-of-the-art voice commands. This device pretty much ensures that you can use your phone without having to actually use it ever again.
7. Brolly Texting Umbrella
7. Brolly Texting Umbrella

The Brolly Texting Umbrella is designed to help you text easily when you are holding an umbrella in the rain. The basic functionality of this device stems from the holder that is fixed at the bottom of the umbrella.
6. Touch Screen Gloves
6. Touch Screen Gloves

Have you ever felt cold and you end up wearing gloves, but you can’t seem to use your smartphone properly because of it? This unique pair of gloves have been made using a special non-scratch wire wool that will help you text even when you are feeling warm and cosy.
5. Finger-Nose Stylus
5. Finger-Nose Stylus

If you are the type of person who feels you need an extra limb to be able to fully utilize the powers of a smartphone, then you should probably pick up the finger-nose stylus. Not only will this device keep you engaged, but it will warn people from quite a distance that you are an unsocial freak.
4. Textminator
4. Textminator

This has got to be the most pointless gadget ever created around the simple concept of texting. This entire gaming console is designed to convert the basic task of texting into an arcade game that challenges your various skills.
3. Texting Chair
3. Texting Chair

Apparently this chair has been designed keeping in mind the interactions of people with various modern technology. It is built to support nine different postures that include using a laptop, reading on your ipad, texting and a lot more.
2. Mobile Visor
2. Mobile Visor

The mobile visor has been designed to help you maintain your privacy when there are nosy people around you. Of course, using this visor is a big tip-off that you are doing something private, so you might not want to leave your phone around once you are done using it.
1. Smartphone Holder For Strollers
1. Smartphone Holder For Strollers

Is your baby getting in the way of your pointless social networking? Now you can multi-task with even more ease by attaching a baby stroller to your smartphone holder. You can easily use your phone now, even while you carry out the chores associated with having a family life.