The best part about having a child is watching a person grow up in front of your eyes. The bond between a parent and a child can be very strong, and it can become an amazing source of inspiration for the kid when channeled the right way. Treating your children with love, kindness and respect can be a hugely rewarding process, not to mention all the fun you get to have along the way. Here is a list of 7 pictures taken by creative fathers who decided to have some fun with their children.
7. Stuck Together

This picture looks less dangerous and more adorable simply because of the massive smiles on the children’s faces.
6. Stink Time
6. Stink Time

This dad decided to show the world the exact truth about babies. One end can be extremely adorable, while the other end can be extremely deadly.
5. Pressure Situation
5. Pressure Situation

This hilarious picture has so many layers. The stern dad forcing his daughter to jump, the child looking extremely nervous, the American flag in the background, the stop watch around the dad’s neck, uh, classic!
4. Superchild
4. Superchild

This well choreographed picture looks like the child has super human powers, and the dad is only using it to clean his sofa. Lazy dad!
3. X-Ray Vision
3. X-Ray Vision

This adorable nugget looks like the dad is examining a X-ray of his daughter, and she seems to have swallowed a coffee mug. Kids these days! They have no control over their appetite.
2. Ballet For Dummies
2. Ballet For Dummies

Being involved in your child’s interests is one thing, but some parents tend to make it all about themselves.
1. Bouncy Dad
1. Bouncy Dad

Another well-choreographed gem, this one looks like the child is continuously bouncing off the back of the dad.