Sharks may not have been created to eat mankind, but that has not stopped them from doing so throughout history. Some sharks won’t bother people, and actually enjoy being around divers and those swimming in the water. However, there are some species of sharks that are highly aggressive, which means they have been known to attack and kill humans on more than one occasion. Sharks tend to attack when they mistake a person for a seal, or when provoked. Here are the five ten types of sharks known for attacking people.
5. Nurse Shark

The Nurse Shark tends to be quite peaceful, but it is also quite large. Living within the coral reefs of Brazil and Mexico, the Nurse Shark has been responsible for a total of 54 attacks against humans, though none of them have been fatal.
4. Sand Tiger
4. Sand Tiger

The Sand Tiger is known for being quite aggressive and dangerous, as it has protruding teeth that can tear someone apart. Throughout history, however, this species has been responsible for 77 human attacks, with only one of those resulting in death.
3. Bull Shark
3. Bull Shark

The Bull Shark is rather stocky, and has a blunt, rounded snout. The shark tends to feed on bony fish, but will also attack smaller sharks, turtles, and birds. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most dangerous breeds of sharks, with 139 attacks to its name, 26 of which were fatal.
2. Tiger Shark
2. Tiger Shark

The Tiger Shark comes in a variety of colors, and tends to reach lengths of around 12 feet. This coastal shark is rather aggressive, as it is responsible for 169 attacks, 29 of which ended in death. The Tiger Shark lives in a wide variety of habitats, making it even more dangerous.
1. Shortfin Mako Shark
1. Shortfin Mako Shark

The Shortfin Mako Shark may have an odd appearance, but don’t mistake it for being friendly due to that. This swimmer is responsible for 33 human attacks, including 2 fatal killings.