An art form that captures the world through the vision of a single person, photography can tell a story worth more than words. Displaying the rich imagination of the artists, photos can shows us a different perspective on reality itself, giving us an experience that can only be achieved through surrealism. Captivating and unique, the following photos use the help of digital manipulation to bring a whole another dimension to photography, delivering surrealistic imagery that will make you question your reality.
10. Elephant With Butterfly Ears

This amazing art piece from Romanian photographer Caras Inout uses photo manipulation to open up photography to a world of new possibilities, presenting us what we already know – an elephant, in a unique perspective – having butterfly ears.
9. Road Workers
9. Road Workers

This Man versus Nature photo is a unique representation of the extraordinary relationship between human kind and the effect we have on our surroundings. Presented by Frank Uyttenhove, this surrealistic image is the true definition of a mind-bending photography.
8. Girl With Wild Hair
8. Girl With Wild Hair

A surrealistic photo from advertising and fashion guru Christophe Gilbert, this imagery focuses on the duality of a person – calm, yet wild. Through the flawless transition achieved in the photo, Gilbert manages to captivate us without the use of words.
7. The Deer Forest
7. The Deer Forest

A surrealistic photo from Bert Monroy, this image manages to change our perception for reality and leave us enchanted.
6. Inflated Head
6. Inflated Head

Sometimes the stress that comes with building a successful career can make your head blow up. This photographic manipulation manages to show just that.
5. Head Change
5. Head Change

With the help of digital photo manipulation, Martin De Pasquale manages to achieve what no one else can – changing his head like a light bulb.
4. A Fight on The Phone
4. A Fight on The Phone

Sometimes, arguing with someone over the phone can be a painful experience. This surrealistic photo captures the feeling most of us have had, but could never quite put into words.
3. Independence Photography
3. Independence Photography

This piece of surrealistic photography comes from Kathrina Jung. Converting her unique daydreams into reality with the help of digital manipulation, the artist manages to achieve this mind-bending picture of a woman pulling a cloud.
2. Showering With Rain
2. Showering With Rain

This captivating photo manipulation comes from artist Diggie Vitt. A man showering with rain is an imagery that manages to make us experience a refreshing feeling combined with daydreaming.
1. The Man With The Flower
1. The Man With The Flower

Another surrealistic photo from Diggie Vitt, this art piece focuses on romance, purity and devotion.