What is it about puns that bring a smile to our lips or make us laugh out loud? One reason is that they usually come out as a surprise or just slip up unexpectedly in conversation. Other times this play on words is used to make for a humorous response. Either way, when words come together to make a pun, it cracks us up, or at least gets us smiling. Read on and enjoy these7 hilarious puns!
7. When Lightening Strikes

One day it started raining while I was outside. I stood there, struggling to figure out how lightening works. Then it hit me.
6. The Problem With Grapes
6. The Problem With Grapes

You know the problem with grapes these days. People just aren’t raisin them right.
5. No Balls
5. No Balls

It’s not that the man didn’t know how to juggle. It’s just that he didn’t have the balls to do it.
4. What’s the Difference?
4. What’s the Difference?

What’s the difference between a nicely dressed man on a tricycle and a poorly dressed man on a bicycle? A tire.
3. Not on Time
3. Not on Time

A cannibal was invited to lunch but showed up late. The host was annoyed and gave him the cold shoulder.
2. Nap Time
2. Nap Time

Police were recently called to a daycare. It had been reported that a three year old was resisting a rest.
1. Take the Stairs
1. Take the Stairs

I don’t trust these stairs. They always seem like they’re up to something.