Cookies, peaches, and salsa. Sounds like the makings of a delicious meal. True if the place you’re ordering food is in America. But you may want to reconsider asking for ‘cookies’ in Hungary, ‘salsa’ in Korea and a ‘peach’ in Prague. You probably will get a round of disapproving looks from the locals!
There are cookies you should reconsider eating. And sometimes it’s healthier to have preservatives. Read below to find out when you may not want to ask if there are preservatives in your cookies!
7. The Cookie You Don’t Want to Chew

If we’re talking about cookies, bring on the chocolate chips and oatmeal raisins, right?! Not so fast. When in Hungary, you may want to reconsider gobbling these down.
Cookies (spelled Kuki) means small pe*is or weenie in Hungarian. Lost your appetite yet?
6. I’d Rather Be Pretty As An Apple
Cookies (spelled Kuki) means small pe*is or weenie in Hungarian. Lost your appetite yet?
6. I’d Rather Be Pretty As An Apple

What lady wouldn’t want to be called “pretty as a peach”? It’s a sweet compliment, after all. As long as you’re hearing it outside of Turkey!
Pic (pronounced ‘peach‘) is the Turkish word for bastard.
So when in Turkey, while it might be an insult to be called a peach, know that if a local tells you that you’re pretty as a seftali, they are indeed complimenting you. A seftali is a peach!
5. Too Much Spice?
Pic (pronounced ‘peach‘) is the Turkish word for bastard.
So when in Turkey, while it might be an insult to be called a peach, know that if a local tells you that you’re pretty as a seftali, they are indeed complimenting you. A seftali is a peach!
5. Too Much Spice?

Salsa is harmless, right? If we’re eating Mexican, then we’re talking about the most popular condiment for our quesadillas and fajitas. And if we’re talking about moves, there’s no Latin dance more explosive with hip-swiveling excitement than salsa.
But if you’re heading to Korea, you definitely don’t want to try out their salsa. 설사 (pronounced ‘salsa’ in Korean) is diarrhea!
4. Not So Fast
But if you’re heading to Korea, you definitely don’t want to try out their salsa. 설사 (pronounced ‘salsa’ in Korean) is diarrhea!
4. Not So Fast

Speed is a good thing if we’re running a race. Maybe not so much if we’re getting pulled over for a ticket.
But, in Sweden it would be a pity to get praise for your speed, or given a ticket because your speed posed a treat, since the word for speed is fart, in Swedish.
3. You Want Him To Wear What?!
But, in Sweden it would be a pity to get praise for your speed, or given a ticket because your speed posed a treat, since the word for speed is fart, in Swedish.
3. You Want Him To Wear What?!

In America, when we’re talking about preservatives, we’re talking about food. There’s no mistaking it. What you’re eating either has them or it doesn’t. For the health conscious, they’re avoided at all costs, but could it be the healthier option? If you’re in France, why yes, it very well could be!
Preservatif (pronounced preservative) means condom in French.
So next time you’re in Paris, rethink asking the baker if your croissant has preservatives.
2. When In Ireland…
Preservatif (pronounced preservative) means condom in French.
So next time you’re in Paris, rethink asking the baker if your croissant has preservatives.
2. When In Ireland…

Mickey has a few meanings on this side of the pond. Right off the bat, a certain mouse comes to mind. It’s also a name (or nickname) here in the States. Sadly, it can also imply drugging someone by “slipping them a mickey.” But all in all, it’s not a “bad” word.
Unless you’re in Ireland, because there, mickey is the slang word for pe*is.
Next time you’re in Ireland, make sure your kids don’t go around telling locals about seeing Mickey.
1. You Want to Use What On Your Guitar?
Unless you’re in Ireland, because there, mickey is the slang word for pe*is.
Next time you’re in Ireland, make sure your kids don’t go around telling locals about seeing Mickey.
1. You Want to Use What On Your Guitar?

If you play guitar, no doubt you have a pic. It you have a rose garden and want to collect some flowers for your vase, you would, of course, pick them. Pic or pick. A harmless everyday word in English.
But not so in Norway. Pikk (pronounced ‘pick’ in Norwegian) means d*ck.
So when visiting, make sure you “plukke” the roses and you stroke the guitar with your “plekter.”
But not so in Norway. Pikk (pronounced ‘pick’ in Norwegian) means d*ck.
So when visiting, make sure you “plukke” the roses and you stroke the guitar with your “plekter.”