There is no greater mystery on our planet than the secrets that lie hidden on the ocean floor. We are yet to discover the truth behind a vast majority of our water bodies. There are countless species that are still unknown simply because the oceans are so difficult to explore. This doesn’t stop innumerable divers from making their way into the unknown and pushing the boundaries of our reality. On their many trips to the seas and oceans, these divers have discovered some amazing things that were considered lost until now. Here is a list of 5 amazing things that were recovered at the bottom of the sea.
5. Jurassic Microbes

An expedition conducted in 2012 found the oldest living organisms on the planet. These microbes belonged to the Jurassic era and are known to be alive for more than 86 million years.
4. Giant Squid
4. Giant Squid

The giant squid was nearly just a mythical creature until discoveries were made during 2001. This was the first expedition that was successful in capturing and observing the giant squid in its larval stage. Footage of the giant beast were only found in 2012 thanks to the efforts of Discovery Channel.
3. Pirate Ships
3. Pirate Ships

The legendary pirate Blackbeard’s ship was found in 1966. The ruins of ‘Queen Ann’s Revenge’ were filled with thousands of various artifacts and treasures. They even managed to find 20 separate cannons from this wreckage.
2. Ancient City
2. Ancient City

The lost city of Thonis was discovered in 2000 off the coast of Egypt. Large parts of this ancient city were fully recovered and restored. The materials and other resources found in this discovery went a long way in better understanding the ancient Egyptian culture.
1. The Lazarus Fish
1. The Lazarus Fish

The Coelacanth is a special breed of fish that was believed to have gone extinct nearly 65 million years ago. In 1938, a marine biologist managed to find a second species of this fish off the coast of Indonesia. Unfortunately the fish does not have any value and it cannot be eaten, which is probably a good thing for it, because people seem to be leaving it alone and it is staying away from a second extinction.