Animals are unpredictable, mostly because they speak a different language than people do. To some extent, most animal behaviors are similar. But there are a few animal behaviors that are plain odd and can be either completely frightening or amazingly awesome. For example, sheep have the ability to attract Scotsmen and New Zealanders and dogs will go after their own butts for hours. However, there are some strange animal behaviors you never knew existed. Read on to find out more strange behaviors shown by animals.
10. African Elephants

9. Dogs

8. Crows

7. Horned Lizards

Horned Lizards squirt blood out of their eyes when they feel threatened by a predator.
6. Pandas
6. Pandas

By nature, pandas are omnivorous. According to researchers, pandas belong to the bear family, and they have the digestive systems of carnivores. The stomachs of pandas boast the added bonus of unique microorganisms to process bamboo.
5. Zebra finches
5. Zebra finches

4. Female Brown Trout

The female brown trout fakes orgasms to persuade males to ejaculate ahead of time. By faking the orgasm, the female trout fools the male into thinking he has mated successfully when actually he has failed.
3. Sheep
3. Sheep

Some herbivores, such as sheep and cows, will turn on their fellow farm animals if their food is poor in nutrients.
2. Chimpanzees
2. Chimpanzees

Nearly all animals fight, but chimpanzees do it in a clearly human way. These animals use tactics, perform raids and capture territory.
1. Cows
1. Cows

Cows all eat facing the same direction. The animals pick one of two directions, either south or north.