A new study conducted by Federal Researchers shows that the number
of women drinking during pregnancy has risen to the tune of one in every
ten women. Out of these, one-third of the women admit to be binge
drinkers who consume alcohol regularly and heavily. The rise in women
consuming alcohol during pregnancy has put a large number of infants at
risk of being born with fetal alcohol syndrome. According to a recent
report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly two to
five percent of first-graders now suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome.
There are many known defects that have been directly related to
consuming alcohol during pregnancy, which is why it is further shocking
that the trend has been moving in an upward direction. Fetal alcohol
syndrome alone is known cause several physical and behavioral problems
in children, along with various learning impairments.
research conducted by the Federal Researchers included a large sample
size of 200,000 women during the period of 2011 and 2013. The sample
group also included more than 8,000 women who were pregnant during the
time of the survey.