A 36-year-old Australian woman in Melbourne’s Frankston suburb was charged with criminal damage, wilful damage, among others, after covering several public spaces with graffiti messages to a certain “Chris”, the alleged father of her unborn baby.
The alleged vandalism reportedly occurred between July 29 and 30 when graffiti started popping up in recreational areas around Frankston, urging a person named Chris to “call before the baby is born”. Confused residents started posting photos of the bizarre graffiti message to The Frankston Community Noticeboard Facebook page, where they quickly went viral. The same message – Chris u need 2 talk 2 me b4 baby is born, or dont bother after – was photographed on various public spaces, barbecues, public toilet doors, footpaths and walls, and prompted users to ask Chris to call the author before it’s too late.
The alleged vandalism reportedly occurred between July 29 and 30 when graffiti started popping up in recreational areas around Frankston, urging a person named Chris to “call before the baby is born”. Confused residents started posting photos of the bizarre graffiti message to The Frankston Community Noticeboard Facebook page, where they quickly went viral. The same message – Chris u need 2 talk 2 me b4 baby is born, or dont bother after – was photographed on various public spaces, barbecues, public toilet doors, footpaths and walls, and prompted users to ask Chris to call the author before it’s too late.
“Chris … Can you please just call her before she destroys the whole
city?” one of the over 24,000 comments on the viral Facebook post read.
Frankston Mayor Michael O’Reilly told ABC.com.au
that local authorities learned about the graffiti messages after
several residents reported them through an online app. They acted
quickly to remove the spray paint, but expressed their wishes that the
parties involved “consider more constructive, and less illegal ways of
communicating in the future”.
On August 1st, Victoria police announced that they had charged a
36-year-old woman in relation to the graffiti messages. She stands
accused of criminal damage, wilful damage, graffiti, and committing an
indictable offence while on bail, and will have to appear at the
Frankston Magistrates’ Court on December 13.
Unfortunately, we still don’t know if Chris called or if the baby was born and no it’s too late for him to do so…

“I hope Chris and this mystery person can work through their issues, and in the future, refrain from undertaking illegal activity that bear a cost to ratepayers,” O’Reilly said.
Police got involved and started investigating the vandalism in an attempt to find the perpetrator, but in the meantime, Frankston residents following the story on social media got really involved in the mysterious drama.

“I need to know what happens next. Will Chris call? Will she keep her word of blanking Chris once the baby is born?” one Facebook user wrote.
“Wonder how long Chris has got. Come on Chris, we’ve suffered enough,” someone else posted.