While most of us are working jobs to make our living and earn some
money, this cat has become the talented feline that is hustling for
money at the the office that adopted him. However, this feline is using
his well-earned cash for a good reason.
An advertising company in Tulsa, Oklahoma called GuRuStu originally
decided to adopt a cat for two years to help hunt down mice in the
office. During this time, employees fell in love with CASHnip Kitty so
much so that they decided to keep him as a full-time resident kitty in
the office. He was then given the role of the office mascot, but he had
more talents than anyone in the office was aware of when they chose to
keep him.

There seemed to have been something fascinating about watching a cat
snatch money away when it was being enticed, that more and more people
were doing it. Although the employees began doing this as a means of
entertainment, to watch this unique skill of the cat, they then decided
to put the money to good use by donating it to the less fortunate. It
was agreed that they would donate all the money to the Tulsa Day Center
for the Homeless.
To keep people donating to a healthy cause, the team put up a sign
that said: “CASHnip Kitty is a hustler with a philanthropic heart. He
will snatch your money and donate it to the Tulsa Day Center for the
Homeless. CASHnip Kitty says, ‘Slide a dollar through the slot and great
blessings will follow.’” These great blessings saw CASHnip raise over
$100 for the local homeless shelter. What’s more? CASHnip was given his
own Facebook page, so you can keep up with what he’s up to via his
social media page.