Sometimes the most frustrating puzzle can be the simplest. If you can't find all the tigers in a painting or get the hidden picture
in a Magic Eye image to show up, it's not really worth sweating over.
If you're pressed for time, those can start to feel less like fun
challenges and more like chores. After all, the actual steps to seeing a
Magic Eye picture the "right" way are kind of involved and you can eat
up a surprising amount of time when you've got a whole series of them in
front of you.
But when you're only supposed to find one simple
thing in a picture, it can inspire a kind of maddening determination if
the answer's not immediately clear. Even though I'm probably not making
it sound that appealing, that's the kind of puzzle we have today.
supposed to be a real smooth operator if you can find out what's wrong
with the following picture in five seconds. I'll admit it took me longer
than that, but let's see how you do.
Please COMMENT and let us know if you caught it immediately.
Then I looked for some
meaning in the colors and found nothing out of the ordinary. If you're
having as much trouble as I did, the answer's on the next page.
Now, some of you likely figured this out with seconds to spare.
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