Recently, an 8-year-old Chinese boy walked approximately 3 miles (4,8 km) to his Zhuanshanbao Primary School in the township of Xinjie in Yunnan Province, China. In 16°F (-9°C) cold. To take an exam. After his trek went viral, people started contacting the school, trying to contribute in any way they could to improve learning conditions for him and other students.
Fu Heng, the headmaster of the primary school, could not believe his eyes. Upon arrival, his student had icicles instead of his hair and eyebrows, contrasting with his burning red cheeks. Heng snapped a picture of the little fellow, marking the beginning of this crazy story. The internet has dubbed him as “Ice Boy,” and soon the school has received more than $15,000 in donations, 20 heating equipment and 144 warm set of clothes.
[post_ads]“It was the first day of their final exams,” Heng said. “The temperatures dropped to minus nine degrees Celsius in about 30 minutes that morning.” The headmaster claimed the boy lives far away from the school. Heng also noted that he is considered as the “class clown”, constantly finding ways to make his 16 classmates die of laughter. It’s crazy to think the boy maintains a positive attitude, despite living in extreme poverty and spending most of the time with his sister and grandma only.
According to Fu, the school tries to watch over him and others as much as it can, providing them with breakfast but admitted that their classrooms weren’t properly heated due to a lack of funding. Moved by the boy’s will, people on the internet hope he can build himself a better life if he continues to put his education first.
The internet has nicknamed this 8-year-old Chinese student as the ‘Ice Boy’

And while you probably did everything you could to avoid an exam at school, he did the opposite

‘Ice Boy’ walked approximately 3 miles (4,8 km) to his primary school in 16°F (-9°C) cold so he would not miss his test

“It was the first day of their final exams,” the headmaster who snapped pictures of the student said

“The temperatures dropped to minus nine degrees Celsius in about 30 minutes that morning”

“The temperatures dropped to minus nine degrees Celsius in about 30 minutes that morning”

The boy lives far away in a small village with his sister and grandmother

He lives in poor conditions, but remains certain his life will get better if only he gets educated

People on the internet were incredibly moved by the boy’s trek

Since the photo got viral, the school has received more than $15,000 in donations, 20 heating equipment and 144 warm set of clothes