By Lionel Arkin, president mommy
When it comes to being pregnant while filming, hiding growing baby bumps can get a little complicated for actresses. When Gal Gadot signed on to play the role of Wonder Woman, she did not know that she would have a little human inside of her. She tried to hide her pregnancy for as long as possible because she did not want to get treated differently. After a while, her baby bump could not hold back anymore and demanded to be seen.
[post_ads]Recently, in an interview with Marie Claire, the actress opened up about her experience hiding her pregnancy while playing the incredibly powerful Wonder Woman. When she found out she was pregnant and started filming scenes for Batman V. Superman, she did not tell anyone about her pregnancy.
She told Marie Claire,
“I gutted it out. I started to come to set with sunglasses. I had this
jug of water with huge pieces of ginger. One of the producers kept on
asking, ‘Why are you drinking that potato water?’ They thought I’d gone

Gal Gadot quietly handled her morning sickness and even managed
migraines while filming the movie. The actress really is a real life
Wonder Woman if she could control all of that while playing the fiercest
woman on the planet.
Once the actresses baby bump was fully showing and unable to be
hidden, the Wonder Woman costume crew had to get creative. They decided
the best way to hide her pregnancy was by cutting a hole in her costume
and covering her bump with green material. They basically made her a
special green screen for her growing belly.
On set, Gadot was ready to
rock her green belly outfit. She shared, “On close-up I looked very much
like Wonder Woman. On wide shots, I looked very funny, like Wonder
Woman pregnant with Kermit the Frog.”
Hopefully, we will get some great behind-the-scene photos soon!