It’s important for fathers and sons to have bonding activities, but one father may take it a step farther than the rest.
Norwegian father Andreas Miezans is a creative photographer and photoshop connoisseur who puts together hilarious scenes of the bonding time he has with his son, Oscar.
[post_ads_2]Andrew said the project originally began as a way for the two to bond and send creative photos to family members back home.
[post_ads_2]Andrew is originally from Sweden but now lives in Norway with his family.
[post_ads_2]The photos were not only for his family in Sweden to get a laugh, but also for Andrew and Oscar to look back on years from now.
[post_ads_2]Twice a week, Andrew breaks out the camera and creates a scene documenting whatever hijinx he and his son want to get into this week.
[post_ads_2]Andrew admits the project has been on his mind for a while, even before Oscar was born.
[post_ads_2]The creative Dad has a background in photography and Oscar doesn’t seem to mind being a star.
[post_ads_2]If you enjoyed these photos, please SHARE with friends and family.
By Michelle LaFiura | Life Daily